Saturday, July 18, 2009

2nd Inside Day

Hi All,

Initially I thought I forgot to put in the limit trade, but yes I did :) EUR/JYP made 20 pips long, hence, 1 contract exit. 2nd Contract was a losing trade at -$2.70, therefore in total, this trade is a loss of $0.70.

Amazingly, Multi Unit Tactic is working as it should be :)

Your Friend,
Max Tay

Cashflow Warrior Academy - "Everyone Never Work Again!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so glad you are taking massive action now... Thanks for sharing... I never expected by reading your daily Journal, I actually get to learn a lot too...

    P/S: Tell Jennifer to endure for a little while... and you will really only work 15 mins/day

    Cheerz to the Team Success in Trading! A-Ho!

